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Encore “Action” Rules April 2, 2010

Posted by rhenary in Uncategorized.

So I just can’t help myself. While channel surfing tonight I came across “Encore Action”, one of the movie channels we get with our new subscription to DirectTV (which I love by the way.) Anyway, thanks to the fine people who figure out the programming for this channel I just watched Rocky peel himself off the mat in the 15th round to take the title from Apollo. Yes, I’ve seen Rocky II more than 100 times, but I have to watch it.

Just when I thought I’d get back to my surfing I realized that they are following Rocky II with Rocky III and IV. That totally rules. I just completed watching Rocky dispose of opponents with names like “Big Yank”. Now he’s about to take on Thunder Lips (Hulk Hogan) for charity. So I’m in for the rest of Rocky’s struggles with Mr. T over the next 90 minutes. We’ll have to see if I can hang in there to see how he single handedly will end the Cold War after his victory over Ivan Drago later tonight in Rocky IV.  

I have to love my wife as she is just sitting here watching with me. Yes, I own all of the Rocky movies on DVD but it’s just one of those things. A buddy of mine says he does the same thing when he comes across The Shawshank Redemption when it is running on TNT … which used to be about every week. He just has to watch.

Anyway, if you happen to come across this post tonight, and you get Encore, check it out. After I finished Rocky II, I started throwing shadow punches at the dog while dancing around in the living room. He subsequently started sprinting around the house and barking at me while I fired jabs in his direction. My wife just shook her head and smiled. Damn, I love Encore.


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